Your best option for Shelling Pecans..


We are proud to offer Custom Shelling Pecans for reasonable prices. Come to our shop at 211 E. McGaffey st. Roswell,NM to get yours pecans…..

We only accept pecans that are ready for the sheller.
Please , No dirts clods, rocks, sticks, screw drivers, pliers, nuts, snuff cans, church keys or tractor bolts; Pick out the pecans still in hulls. All too hard on our machinery

We run them through the cracker machine and you get back everything, in this service the pecans must have the same size, not mixed, in this process we cannot crack the small ones or natives.

We run them through the cracker machine, (same size, not mixed pecans) then under a flow machine that pulls shell away from the meat.

We run then through Shelled machine and blow the pecans then pass through the hands of workers who individually pick out any remaining shell. We return pecans in pieces: small, medium, and large.

When you bring pecans in we weight them for pricing. When you pick up, they are obviously going to weigh less, since much of the shell is removed. For paper shell pecans, expect around 40-50 % to be returned. For the smaller natives, expect about 30-40 % returned.

Pick up Promptly, once you are notified your pecans are READY for pickup, please Pick them up within 2 weeks or make arrangements for a late time, After 4 weeks the order will become the property of the MATAS PECANS. Thank u
We hope to see you soon!!!!!!

Custom Shelling Pecans

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